It's Frankenstein's Monster okay!

So for a while, it has fascinated me that this treasured book is misinterpreted so much that people actually argue about the fact that the monster is not called Frankenstein. After reading it the other day, I was compelled to write about this book and Mary Shelly herself. I had read the book years before but I didn't have a blog then. If you don't wish to receive any spoilers from a book written on 1 January 1818 then I suggest you skip this post. Anyway, Frankenstein was Victor Frankenstein, a young Italian man that goes off to study in Germany to pursue an obsession he built from a really young age. To me this early start to the obsession with overcoming death is fascinating. It stems from curiosity and grief as well as a reluctance from his father to truly listen to him. Think back to your childhood, to when you were obsessed with something and excitedly shared this with your parents. That interaction is vital for a young mind and in this case, Frankenstein was ignored t...