The Woofs

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you..The legends themselves! Widget and Smudge. My fur babies, my woofs, the reason I can't sleep in, my reminders to play in the garden during my breaks and to not work late, the only two creatures to get genuinely upset when I exercise and are pretty much behave like plush teddy bears that are sentient. Don't let this picture deceive you, they are vicious beasts! Okay not really, well maybe the little one sometimes but that's only because she truly believes that we all exist to serve her. Since the 26th of August was International Dog Day, it was fitting to dedicate this week's blog to these two heartbreakers. Widget is the eldest by four months but also the smallest in size. This means absolutely nothing because she will attempt to take down a dinosaur if given half a chance. She is a mix of Jack Russell and Dachshund and the first to be adopted. We got her at six weeks because Parvo was found in the kennels so she needed to be ...