Lazer Eyes!
Oops! I mean I got corrective surgery via Lasik but that is quite a mouthful so I prefer Lazer Eyes!
Ho hum, so since I was 12 years old I had been wearing glasses with the addition of contact lenses at 16. I didn't really think anything of it even when there were whispers of a new technology to fix one's eyes. This mainly being that even if such a thing existed I would never be able to afford it so I let that rumour pass me by.
I only got one eye infection from my contact lenses which is quite a feat. I have misplaced my glasses too many times to count on both hands and feet though. The Husband had been handy even from pre-husband years to help me locate my glasses in fits of giggles. No wrath was conducted on him because I was just so grateful to be able to see. I always wore my glasses except when I had my contacts on so my eyesight stayed pretty constant over the years.
A few years ago, many folks we knew had The Surgery, and my curiosity started to peak. I had the initial eye checkup three years ago to the bliss of the lady at the eye clinic. Apparently, my eye shape was beautiful and I qualified for Lasik. But it was horrifically expensive with no payment plans offered so I politely didn't go back. Until a few months ago that is.
The Husband kept saying it would improve my quality of life and I eventually caved and went back for the initial eye test. No surprise that I qualified because unless I completely messed up my eyes in three years, there would have been no reason to be qualified. This time the prices were much better and there were even payment plans! My, how times have changed!
The second eye test left me blind from the light sensitivity for just over a day offering much comic relief to The Husband. Two weeks later, and still recovering from major surgery( more on that in another post), I was ready to get my eyes sorted.
You get to wear scrubs over your clothes that are meant to be comfortable and warm for the cold operating theatre and you get given one valium. Just the one and trust me you will need it. The theatre resembles a normal hospital one( I am an expert now having had two major surgeries this year). And you lay down looking at a red light while the surgeon sits above you.
I don't know what other folks have done to keep occupied while their eyes were being cut open but I chose to concentrate on that red light. It changed colours as each cut occurred and I spent the time also singing Champagne Supernova in my head like I was high and at an Oasis concert. Because in a way I was. The only exception was that some guy was using a machine to cut my eyes open and operate on them then insert a lens in each one for healing. It took about 15 to 20 minutes max, a quick check once I hopped off the table and then into the recovery ward. Here I had the best cup of tea I have had in years and a cheese and tomato sandwich. I also couldn't really see and had my sunglasses on.
The Husband fetched me and guided me up the stairs etc before helping me nest into the couch before he went back to work. I could kind of see images but only enough to find some HP Lovecraft audiobooks to listen to. I am just as surprised that I chose those given that I couldn't see and don't like anything scary. But given that I survived this and soonish I would be able to see, I took the opportunity to finally get my Lovecraft on. More on his works in a future blog.
Supper was eaten in a blur with 6 hourly antibiotic drops and anti-inflammatory drops by The Husband because let's be honest here, I can't be trusted not to poke my eyes. The first night was painful so I popped all the painkillers and had a restless sleep on my back with my eye shields. At the time of writing, two weeks after my eye surgery, I still wear them because I am not completely healed and am slightly paranoid. Only slightly mind you. They make me look like a bug, a pretty bug according to just one person and she will forever be my favourite person until the end of time.
You go for three checkups after surgery, one the day after then the week after and lastly a month after. And everything has been healing nicely. It has been two weeks, almost done with my antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops, I use the artificial tears still but not as often and I can mostly see. I had a slight panic attack when Smudge licked my eye today but I seem to be okay.
I am a whole new person, one that wakes up each day and doesn't need to reach for her glasses or panic shout for The Husband to find them. I can mostly see things but my eyes are still healing and adjusting so I am being patient.
Now I have to buy actual sunglasses.
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