The Dreaded First Trimester
As I write this, I am in my second trimester at just over 6 weeks, which has made me realise how slow yet incredibly fast the first trimester went. It's most likely due to having other experiences and life events in between because this is me and I can't just do one thing at a time this year it seems. All those experiences and events will have their own blog posts in between because I don't want to bore you with pre-baby stuff all the time. Besides each trimester last about three months so there is plenty of time..right?! Only time will tell. Even though The Husband and I went through the IVF procedure, it was vital that we also make me pee on a stick and take a picture of the results because it's all part of the journey. We were also fresh off a wedding done and dusted so we were still on a high from that celebration. We felt such relief after the second hCG blood test confirmed that my body was making the pregnancy hormone at the rate expected of a confirmed pregnan...