Gender reveal! Yes, we are having a boy and we are just thrilled to be having a healthy baby regardless of gender. It has been a long journey and we are almost there!
I just hit the 6-month mark and entered the Third Trimester so it was time to update you on my Second Trimester experience.
The second trimester of pregnancy is called the Honeymoon Period for a very stupid reason. It is assumed that you have extra energy during this time and no morning sickness.
Your energy levels indeed start to increase noticeably because you find yourself NOT passing out constantly but that doesn't mean you are suddenly so full of energy that you can whizz around getting so much done without repercussions! The second trimester brought with it a host of extra symptoms, each week I added one or two to the list.
I had to have a noninvasive prenatal test (NIPT) done, sometimes called noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS). It is quite a thorough and amazing test used to check for any abnormalities including Down Syndrome. Technology around this type of testing is just mindblowing because your blood is taken for testing. A pregnant lady's blood contains DNA from her cells and from that of the placenta so the baby is not disturbed at all. That's why it is noninvasive and is as accurate as you can get at 97 to 99%. This doesn't mean that you're in the clear as there is still a small % of the risk. The test also provides two other benefits:
- Finding out the baby's gender
- Checking for any potential health issues the mum-to-be might start to experience during pregnancy
That is why we knew at 11 weeks that we were having a baby boy and it could have been a week earlier too since the test can be done at 10 weeks.
I was even more amazed that the second vial of blood was used to check on my health, both current and future to determine whether I might need extra care or even medication for a healthy pregnancy. Regular checks are done throughout but this one is quite thorough. Luckily no high or low blood pressure issues back then or yet or any high-risk factors to worry about so far. All of this takes a huge weight off one's shoulders because one needs to be healthy and well to incubate a healthy baby.
The Fetal Assessment Clinic still does a thorough scan to check via specialized ultrasound equipment for any visual abnormalities during this time and at 20 weeks. This tracks the progress of the baby's organ development so looking for size, structure and function. As it stands all is good, even his size despite me being a hobbit.Now for the pregnant fairy symptom list:
I don't fall asleep randomly but I mostly need a nap after lunch but mostly can't sleep later than 8pm. I do also wake up randomly after 2am or 3am for at least 15 to 30min.
From the time I became pregnant, spicy and sour foods were my go-to otherwise food tasted too bland. I can eat other foods now and mostly eat healthy because the baby can taste the food and I want him to be healthy too. However, if I feel like eating something I will, I am not about to deny myself something just not overindulge.
Sensitive Skin
So I still itch when I shave but it's not as bad which is good because the hormones have made me more of a werewolf and summer approaches. I do have to be wary of what products I use on my face etc due to extra sensitivity but mostly I can keep the acne down and remain moisturized. I can't have too hot baths or showers because I overheat and my pressure drops.
Muscle Spasms
I mostly have ligament pains and occasional cramping so not as bad as the first trimester. There were a few times that I wondered what was wrong but it was Braxton Hicks contractions and luckily I didn't have them that often.
For those of you that don't know, Braxton Hicks is when your womb contracts and relaxes resulting in false labour pains. Not everyone experiences them and they feel like mild cramping to long periods of extreme period pain. It is how your body prepares you for labour and will start to occur more frequently closer to birthing.
Tender Breasts
I am not as sensitive to the touch but on occasion, I have had itchy nipples. because as your body stretches and your skin expands. In fact, you need to keep your whole body moisturized to avoid feeling itchy all over.
Frequent Peeing
I don't wake up as often to pee at night and am fine during the day mostly. But there are days when I have to go every half an hour. Those are days when I am out and about, yay.
Some days I had to have the pregnancy Gaviscon three times a day and even then it didn't help as much. When it's bad it's bad and affects my sleep and mood so I make sure to warn those around me to stay clear!
EmotionsMostly in control now except when hungry, I need to eat and not skip meals and snacks. I am also annoyed easily because of hormones and that will only get worse.
Aches and Pains
As my body starts to expand in place, especially my belly, I am being pulled down causing my posture to be affected. This has resulted in back, shoulder and neck pain.
The extra weight has also given me butt pain which is awful for someone that writes at a desk for a living. I have a special cushion now but I still need to stand up often.
My sciatica is back in full force so a lot of stretching is required and even then there are days that moving is painful and difficult.
My poor feet are sore and swollen daily even if I am sitting a lot so by the late afternoon/evening I always have to put my feet up and sometimes soak them. It's still not warm enough for open shoes so going out is not great when you have to swap your bedroom slippers for sneakers that suddenly hurt you.
The writing has also introduced sore fingers that tingle, an early sign of pregnancy carpal tunnel so that also warrants regular breaks from typing making my job quite difficult to do.
I started to experience extreme congestion so I use a saline spray three times a day to ensure I can breathe and have fewer headaches. The downside is that on occasion I have nose bleeds but nothing concerning, the saline solution is merely trying to plug my congestion so my nose gets dry.
I am expanding at 77 kgs now and many clothes are being stored away. This increase has also put my balance off and resulted in me bobbing as I walk which is hilarious for all to see. But much needed to ensure I don't just topple over.
Memory Loss
I have never been the best at remembering things which is why I make lists and have spreadsheets and reminders everywhere. But very simple instructions or even conversations that were just had are forgotten in the blink of an eye.
This one is the weirdest as I can't see as well as I used to and as the day progresses it gets worse. Often at night, the TV is blurry and I struggle to read. Yet my eyesight is 20-20 plus as I had Lasik surgery and very recently had my eyes checked to confirm. But it's a symptom of being pregnant so I gotta be blind for a while.
These have started on my belly and if anyone tells you that certain products prevent stretch marks just smile and move on with your life. Not everyone is that blessed and that's okay. I went in with stretch marks and so all I can do is go with the flow.
Vaginal Discharge
Now, this symptom I noticed gets hushed a lot because most find it embarrassing but I aim to be honest with my experience so yes this started happening so I have to wear long panty liners. It's awful, it's uncomfortable but very normal.
The Second Trimester has been no Honeymoon Period! I found that simple tasks are becoming harder to do and cope with which is frustrating but I am lucky to have many people including The Husband reminding me that I am growing a baby and to be kind to myself.
Now for an update on baby:
Week 13:
His fingerprints have developed and his organs and veins are visible through his translucent skin. He can pee and recycle that every couple of hours.
His bones, especially in the skull, and teeth are becoming denser and he is starting to produce what I like to call pre-poo. It's the first substance before actual poop is formed called meconium and is black and sticky.
The kidneys are in working order and so are the facial muscles so smiling, grimacing and frowning is common in the womb. Some babies start sucking their thumb at this point, ours likes to move his hands and place his hand on his head a lot.
This is when fine hair starts to develop on the eyebrows, chin and upper lip as the baby grows twice his length and becomes even more active in the womb.
Week 15:
Taste buds are starting to form and the legs and arms are growing longer increasing movement in the womb. Baby is starting to look less alien now and more like a tiny human with defined toes and fingers as well as eyelids, nails, eyebrows, hair and eyelashes. He is also able to yawn and stretch now.
Week 16:
The head is upright and the ears are where they should be with the heart pumping a lot more blood each day as the heartbeat slows down to a slower more steady rhythm.
Week 17:
Baby's umbilical cord starts to thicken and get stronger as joints are movable and baby can hear Mummy's heartbeat, digestion and breathing. The soft cartilage is starting to become bone and sweat glands develop and layers of skin form.
Week 18:
As the baby starts to flex, movement can be felt but not always. Often like gas bubbles, flutters or like popcorn popping. I have a thick placenta so it will be a while until this occurs.
Week 19:
Baby's hearing, smell, touch, taste and vision are developing so now is when voices can be heard. Babies start to recognize their mum's voice at this stage and sometimes even their dad's.
At this point fingerprints are fully formed and the senses are fully developed. A waxy coating starts to form to protect the skin from bad bacteria and keep it moist.
Week 20:
The baby can swallow and hiccup! Taste buds are geared towards tasting whatever Mummy is eating now and could influence their food preferences.
Week 21:
Baby is kicking like a soccer player and punching out often at this point. I still didn't feel it but my mum swears she could see it. The skin is more formed and not as translucent with blood vessels showing.
Week 22:
Lips and eyebrows are sharper and the baby starts to look like a tiny human with a tiny layer of fat forming under the skin.
Despite all the symptoms and the frustration they caused, I survived and learn each day about dealing with them.
Past the halfway mark!
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