
Showing posts from July, 2021

The Power of Levelling Up

 I turned 39 yesterday, the 29th of July, and I started feeling blue for days before the event. My mum instilled a ''always celebrate your birthday'' mentality in me since I was a child so it was odd that I was dreading getting older this year. At first, I thought it had to do with the new job and freelancing being hard as a whole. My struggle with getting into a routine and being present instead of getting caught up in endless distractions and daydreams.  I don't deny that all that definitely had a part to play but it wasn't the whole reason. It was the fact that I was getting older and closer to 40. That in my lifetime I had experienced so much pain and heartache, mostly in the last couple of years that I felt broken and not worthy. It's shocking how abuse at the workplace can leave you with PTSD to the point of thinking you have accomplished nothing and life is doom and gloom. I am definitely not depressed, but I had been two years ago and without the med...

Sleepy Hollow and the Headless Horseman of Anarchy

I was born in Pietermaritzburg a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.  That might sound like a funny line but based on just how much the place has changed, it's truer than you think. Some good changes, some bad. Those were the changes that made me sad every time I would visit Home. Funny how you can be gone for almost a decade and a half but still refer to your place of birth as Home. Despite all the bad changes, there were always places to go, people to see, beauty to appreciate, and above all Hope. Hope that things would get better because how could it not? There were hidden gems all around and nothing is impossible!  Then the disaster... Last week was devastating with all the looting, burning, communities being attacked and people being confined to their homes with no food or medication. In the middle of a Pandemic! I felt completely helpless in a situation that I could not do anything about. I had been there before with the start and continuation of the Pandemic ...

I used to be an adventurer like you...

Who knew how true that line would be in 2021 except I didn't take an arrow to the knee. Not yet anyway. You knew this was coming... the day I would write about Skyrim.  I started this game 10 years ago and am still playing it. And not because I can't finish, although that did happen to me once. This is my fourth playthrough (most likely the sixth or so) and I haven't found anything better. It is riddled with bugs especially since I still play on PS3 and isn't the best RPG in the world currently. But to me, I can't find anything that comes close to immersing me like it does. The music is amazing, not just the theme songs which get me pumped for each playthrough. But also the background music. There is a song for every situation and when the tempo picks up, you just know a dragon is coming. Depending on my level or carrying capacity I either run or fight. I ask every bard in an inn or tavern to play me a song when I first visit because it's what you do as a travel...

The Day I volunteered for ARMY

I put off writing my first blog post and creating a blog because I couldn't think of a cool topic. Well, a topic I thought people reading would think is cool. But as I am not sure what is cool anymore, whilst being in the middle of a pandemic.  For a while, I had been getting into a funk. The freedom to do what I liked was causing me stress and upping my anxiety and I had stopped my pills so I was spiralling. I needed something to inspire me, to get me to smile and to push forward but couldn't find anything that brought me any joy. I am not depressed, I know what that is like and I am not letting myself go there again but no matter what I did I couldn't shake off this cloud that gradually got darker and rained occasionally. Today things changed, in fact, my whole world changed.  I figured what the hell, it's my birthday month and it's time to stop procrastinating. So I sat down in front of the computer and went to Youtube to see if anything was interesting and new. ...