It's the Final Countdown!


Well, we are nearing the end now and the third trimester started rough with the last few weeks being worse than I could have imagined.

This will be my last post for a while, most likely until September so here are the last bits of pregnancy info before I level up to Mother.

Since January my gynae visits started increasing to every two weeks and then weekly with birth in a few days now.

I have gotten bigger and it is getting much harder to move and go about my day as normal. I concluded my pilates and fitness classes at the end of January because I just can't anymore. Yoga lasted until 7 February and even doing as many stretches as I can to help ease the sciatica and restless legs etc has been difficult. I instead try to walk as much as I can during the day to keep active but it's at the point that I need two slow mag pills a day and a foot soak for my highly swollen feet. Sometimes I need to lie down urgently when the fatigue hits. Work also ended on the 31st of January so I have been on maternity leave for a few weeks bow trying to get the nursery done along with my office amongst all the building chaos and the pregnancy woes.

Skyrim( anniversary edition) was started with Merl the Orc as my character but load-shedding is really messing up my gaming which is annoying as it falls under mental relaxation as birthing prep. But since I can't sleep much, I can fit in a side quest here and there in the wee hours of the morning.

The last batch of symptoms are as follows:

Restless Legs

These are so much worse than pain because my legs just can't keep still! It is especially bad when I was trying to relax and sleep.

Painful Toilet Breaks

As the baby gets bigger, the fuller the bladder the more painful the need to pee. So you gotta pull up the massive weight you're carrying with your cramped legs and get to the toilet as fast as you can hobble!

Swollen Feet

I have been convinced that I was turning into an elephant staring with my feet. My ankles especially started to swell up so badly that my feet would get stuck in my crocs.


I really didn't have the time and patience for things like before and if angered the swearing would start. Luckily even though I would feel bad and apologise, I knew it was the hormones and I didn't need to be guilt riddled. Plus whoever pisses off a pregnant woman is asking for trouble. 

Charley Horse

I hate this, in my calf and the pain is intense. I managed to keep it at bay after the first time by taking slow mag tabs and then increasing the frequency to twice a day when I got my second one and almost fell over.


Babies are enemies of one's bladder and I have been wearing pads for months now, even using a pair that was one step away from full-grown adult nappies. rather that than being wet all the time folks. This is one of the things a pregnant lady won't tell you.


I mostly had to nap once a day because else I would just pass out but after that hour I felt refreshed enough to do things. 


This is a rash caused by your belly stretching rapidly and looks and feels like a heat rash. It starts on the stretchmarks on your belly and can move to your hands and legs which of course it did with me. I looked like I had the pox and had to take antihistamines just to sleep at night.

Groin pain - Thunder crotch

I learnt about this from someone at work, looked it up, laughed and then got it myself. It feels like someone punched my vagina. I had it on the one side for a while and then suddenly it was all over.

Dark Underarms

Imagine my surprise when I shaved my underarms only to be greeted with dark black pigments as if I had been painted. Didn't stop me from wearing sleeveless tops cos it's hot but damn...

As I go in today to give birth this will be my last blog post for a while and all I can say is that it has been an incredible journey. Yes, I have been quite honest about it because pregnancy is not a breeze and women really should be praised for being able to do it instead of being expected to.

I feel truly blessed to be able to do this at 40 and I doubt I would have been able to cope without all that yoga, pilates, pregnancy exercise, therapy and the long line of folks offering advice and support. Pregnancy is a lonely journey because it is personal but all of the people in my life made it less lonely, especially The Husband who truly learned how bad my moods could be.

My woofs, my fur children have been instrumental in showering me with endless love and reminding me that no matter what I do, I am loved. They really helped boost my confidence and it was endearing whenever they tried to help me walk when I got a  cramp and was crippled for several minutes at a time.

My mum whom I would speak to daily was such a comfort to me, she never pushed me to do anything but listened and would relate her stories. It was lovely to be able to share an aspect of our lives like this and build up the bond even stronger. My dad even got to experience things like baby kicks, mood swings and the need to soak my swollen feet. I am lucky to have them. 

Both my sisters-in-law gave me vital guidance and much-needed items, I would have been lost without them. Their excitement and constant reminders that I am capable of giving birth and keeping said baby alive afterwards kept me feeling strong.

As I write this blog post, my phone keeps buzzing with well wishes from friends and family from all around the world and country, reminding me that I have quite the village on my side. 

On to this next adventure - Motherhood!


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